Program Details

The "Back Care Program" is a specially designed plan aimed at improving the mobility of your spine and posture over 6 weeks. The program's workload gradually increases from week to week, allowing the workouts to seamlessly become a part of your lifestyle.

Upon accessing the catalog on the website, you'll encounter the first 6 sections titled 'Back Care Program | Week 1, 2,' and so forth. This outlines the recommended minimum number of workouts per week, which includes two 'Routines' and two 'Strengthening' workouts. However, it's recommended to perform the routines every day.

Back Care Routines:

- These can be done daily or even multiple times a day, tailored to your body's needs.

- Short and effective routines enhance spine mobility and gently stretch back muscles.

- They can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, gradually improving your posture.

- Complement these with other forms of exercise like gym strength training, running, or dancing.

- Ideal for an energy boost in the morning or stretching your back whenever necessary.

Strengthening Workouts:

- These 15-20 min classes (70% strength training + 30% spinal mobility) are focused on strengthening the back and core muscles—key to maintaining good posture.

- It's recommended to perform them 2-3 times a week, with 1-2 rest days in between.

Workouts are named and sorted by difficulty level:

Light (for beginners with light strength training),

Intermediate (for those who have already mastered the beginner level from the "Light" category), 

Intense (medium intensity).

If unsure about the right level for you, start with the 'Light' category and progress as you see fit.

You can simplify these workouts by proceeding without equipment or with minimal weight, or make them more challenging by adding weight or opting for resistance bands with higher resistance levels.

The weekly plan includes 2 essential workouts for the program. Optionally, you can visit the 'Back Strengthening' section for an additional workout.

A typical weekly plan could look like:

- Monday: 'Routine 1’

- Tuesday: 'Strengthening | Light | 1'

- Wednesday: Rest Day or Optional 'Routine' (Your choice)

- Thursday: 'Routine 2'

- Friday: 'Strengthening | Light | 2'

- Saturday: Rest Day or Optional 'Routine' (Your choice)

- Sunday: Rest Day or Optional 'Strengthening' (Your choice)

Thank you for reading through. Wishing you enjoyable workouts!